Some of our current and recent projects
The Geometry of generalized flat ribbons.
(M. Raffaelli and S. Markvorsen)
Design of ruled surfaces and elastica-foliated surfaces for architecture.
(A. Fisker, D. Brander and J. Gravesen). Part of an Innovation Fund supported project
"Digital Factory". March 2015 - December 2018.
Optimization on manifolds - with applications to shape optimization.
(J. Møller-Andersen, J. Gravesen, A. Evgrafov and P. Nørtoft). 2013-2016.
Finsler geometry and modelling of wildfires. (Steen Markvorsen).
Geometry rationalization for hot-wire and hot-blade production of architectural formwork.
(J. Gravesen, D. Brander, S. Markvorsen, T. Nørbjerg, K. Hornbak Steenstrup, and external partners).
Part of the Innovation Fund project "BladeRunner". March 2013- May 2016.
Integrable surfaces. (D. Brander). Surfaces that have a loop group representation, usually
related to harmonic maps into symmetric spaces. These include minimal surfaces, constant mean
curvature surfaces, constant Gaussian curvature surfaces and Willmore surfaces.
- Symmetry techniques in differential geometry.
(A. Swann, D. Brander and M. Svensson). FNU project 2010-2013.
- Iso-geometric analysis and shape optimization in electromagnetism.
(D.M. Nguyen and J. Gravesen). 2009-2012.
Minimal metric skeletons. (S. Markvorsen).
Iso-geometric analysis and shape optimization in fluid mechanics.
(P. Nørtoft and J. Gravesen). 2009-2012.
Geometric analysis : classification theory of Riemannian submanifolds. (S. Markvorsen and
V. Palmer.)
Selected recent publications
- D. Brander and J. Gravesen:
Monge surfaces and planar geodesic foliations.
J. Geom. (2018) 109: 4. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00022-018-0413-7.
- D. Brander and Peng Wang:
On the Björling problem for Willmore surfaces.
J. Differential Geom. 108 (2018) 411-457.
D. Brander, A. Bærentzen, A. Fisker, and J. Gravesen:
Designing interactively with elastic splines.
Computer Aided Geometric Design, 2018,
D. Brander, A. Bærentzen, A. Fisker, and J. Gravesen:
Bézier curves that are close to elastica.
Under submission. Related software.
D. Brander, A. Bærentzen, K. Clausen, A. Fisker, J. Gravesen, M. Lund, T. Nørbjerg, K. Steenstrup
and A. Søndergaard:
Designing for hot-blade cutting: geometric approaches for high-speed
manufacturing of doubly-curved architectural surfaces.
Part of: Advances in Architectural Geometry 2016, pages: 306-327, 2016.
J. Bohr and S. Markvorsen:
Physica Scripta, vol: 91,issue: 2, 2016.
D. Brander:
Pseudospherical surfaces with singularities.
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl., 2016,
DOI: 10.1007/s10231-016-0601-8
M. Raffaelli, J. Bohr and S. Markvorsen:
Sculpturing Surfaces with Cartan Ribbons.
Proceedings of Bridges 2016: Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Education, Culture, pages: 457-460, 2016.
D. Brander:
Spherical Surfaces.
Experimental Mathematics, 25:3, 2016, pp: 257-272.
A. Søndergaard, J. Feringa, T. Nøbjerg, K. Steenstrup, D. Brander, J. Gravesen,
S. Markvorsen, J.A. Bærentzen, K. Petkov, J. Hattel, K. Clausen, K. Jensen, L. Knudsen,
J. Kortbek:
Robotic hot-blade cutting.
Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art and Design 2016, proceedings of RobArch 2016.
D. Brander, J. Gravesen and T. Nørbjerg:
Approximation by planar elastic curves.
Adv. Comput. Math., 2016,
DOI: 10.1007/s10444-016-9474-z
A. Hurtado, S. Markvorsen and V. Palmer:
Estimates of the first Dirichlet eigenvalue from exit time
moment spectra.
Math. Ann., (2016) 365:1603-1632 DOI 10.1007/s00208-015-1316-7.
V. Gimeno and S. Markvorsen:
Ends, fundamental tones and capacity of minimal submanifolds via extrinsic comparison theory.
Potential Analysis, vol: 42, 749--774, 2015.
J. Gravesen:
The Metric of Colour Space.
Graphical Models, (82), issue: November, pages 77-86, 2015.
S. Markvorsen:
A Finsler geodesic spray paradigm for wildfire spread modelling.
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, vol: 28, 208--228, 2015.
D. Brander and S. Markvorsen:
Surfaces with Natural Ridges.
Proceedings of Bridges 2015: Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Culture.
P. Nørtoft, J. Gravesen and M. Willatzen:
Isogeometric analysis of sound propagation through laminar flow in 2-dimensional ducts.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol: 284, 1098--1119, 2015.
A. Hurtado, S. Markvorsen and V. Palmer:
Estimates of the first Dirichlet eigenvalue from exit time moment spectra.
Mathematische Annalen, vol: 365, issue: 3, pp 1603-1632, 2015.
D. Brander, J.A. Bærentzen, A. Evgrafov, J. Gravesen, S. Markvorsen, T. Nørbjerg, P. Nørtoft and K. Steenstrup:
Hot blade cuttings for the building industries.
In: Math for the Digital Factory (2014), 2016, Springer.
D. Brander and Josef F. Dorfmeister:
Deformations of constant mean curvature surfaces preserving symmetries and the Hopf differential.
Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5)
Vol. XIV, 645-675, 2015.
D.M. Nguyen, A. Evgrafov, J. Gravesen and D. Lahaye:
Iso-geometric shape optimization of magnetic density separators.
Compel, vol: 33, issue: 4, 1416-1433, 2014.
J. Bohr and S. Markvorsen:
Ribbon Crystals.
PLoS One, vol: 8, issue: 10, 2013.
D. Brander and M. Svensson:
Timelike constant mean curvature surfaces with singularities.
The Journal of Geometric Analysis
vol: 24, issue 3 1641-1672, 2014.
D. Brander and M. Svensson:
The geometric Cauchy problem for surfaces with Lorentzian harmonic Gauss maps.
Journal of Differential Geometry
93, 37-66, 2013.
P. Nørtoft and J. Gravesen:
Isogeometric shape optimization in fluid mechanics.
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, vol: 48, 909-925, 2013.
A. Hurtado, S. Markvorsen and V. Palmer:
Comparison of exit time moment spectra for extrinsic metric balls.
Potential Analysis, vol: 36, issue: 1, pages: 137-153, 2012.
M. Willatzen and J. Gravesen:
Strong curvature effects in Neumann wave problems.
Journal of Mathematical Physics, vol: 53, issue: 8, pages 083507, 2012.
D.M. Nguyen, A. Evgrafov, A. Gersborg and J. Gravesen:
Isogeometric shape optimization of vibrating membranes.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol: 200,issue:13-16, pages 1343-1353, 2011.
P. Nielsen, A. Gersborg, J. Gravesen and N. Pedersen:
Discretizations in isogeometric analysis of Navier-Stokes flow.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol: 200,issue:45-46, pages 3242-3253, 2011.
D. Brander:
Singularities of spacelike constant mean curvature surfaces in Lorentz-Minkowski space.
Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 150, 527-556, 2011.
J. Gravesen, A. Evgrafov and D.M. Nguyen:
On the sensitivities of multiple eigenvalues.
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, vol: 44,issue:4, pages 583-587, 2011.
D. Brander and Josef F. Dorfmeister:
The Björling problem for non-minimal constant mean curvature surfaces.
Communications in Analysis and Geometry, 18, 171-194, 2010.
S. Markvorsen and V. Palmer:
Extrinsic Isoperimetric Analysis on Submanifolds with Curvatures Bounded from Below.
Journal of Geometric Analysis, vol. 20, issue 2, pp 388-421, 2010.
D. Brander, W. Rossman and N. Schmitt:
Holomorphic representation of constant mean curvature surfaces in Minkowski space: consequences of non-compactness in loop group methods.
Advances in Mathematics, 223, 949-986, 2010.
A. Hurtado, S. Markvorsen and V. Palmer:
Torsional rigidity of submanifolds with controlled geometry.
Mathematische Annalen, vol. 344, issue 3, pp 511-542, 2009.
I. Holopainen, S. Markvorsen and V. Palmer:
p-Capacity and p-Hyperbolicity of Submanifolds.
Rev. Mat. Iberoamericana, vol. 25, issue 2, pp 709-738, 2009.
D. Brander:
Loop group decompositions in almost split real forms and applications to soliton theory and geometry.
Journal of Geometry and Physics, vol. 58, issue 12 pp 1792-1800, 2008.
J. Gravesen and B. Jüttler and Z. Sir,:
On rationally supported surface.
Computer Aided Geometric Design, vol. 25, pp 320-331, 2008.
D. Brander:
Results related to generalizations of Hilbert's non-immersibility theorem for the hyperbolic plane.
Electron. Res. Announc. Math. Sci., vol. 15, pp 8-16, 2008.
Z. Sir, J. Gravesen and B. Jüttler:
Curves and surfaces represented by polynomial support functionss.
Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 392, pp 141-157, 2008.
S. Markvorsen and V. Palmer:
Torsional rigidity of minimal submanifolds.
Proc. London Math. Soc. (3), vol. 93, pp 253-272, 2006.
J. Gravesen and M. Willatzen:
Quantum eigenstates of curved nanowire structures.
Physica B: Condensed Matter, vol. 371, pp 112-119, 2006.
J. Gravesen, M. Willatzen and L.C. Lew Yan Voon:
Schrödinger problems for surfaces of revolution -- the finite cylinder as a test example.
J. Math. Phys., vol. 46, pp 012107, 2005.
S. Markvorsen and V. Palmer:
How to obtain transience from bounded radial mean curvature.
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 357, issue 3, pp 3459-3479, 2005.
J. Gravesen, S. Markvorsen, R. Sinclair and M. Tanaka:
The cut locus of a torus of revolution.
Asian J. Math., vol. 9, pp 103-120, 2005.
J. Gravesen, M. Willatzen:
Eigenstates of Möbius nanostructures including curvature effects.
Phys. Rev. A, vol. 72, issue 3, pp 032108, 2005.
J. Gravesen:
Third order invariants on surfaces.
Computational Methods for Algebraic Spline Surfaces (COMPASS)., pages: 193-211, Springer, 2004.
S. Markvorsen and V. Palmer:
Transience and capacity of minimal submanifolds.
Geom. Funct. Anal., vol. 13, issue 4, pp 915-933, 2003.
J. Gravesen and M. Ungstrup:
Constructing invariant fairness measures for surfaces.
Advances in Computational Mathematics., vol. 17, issue 67, pp 67-88, 2002.
S. Markvorsen and V. Palmer:
Generalized isoperimetric inequalities for extrinsic balls in minimal submanifolds.
Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik., vol. 2002, issue 551, pp 101-121, 2002.
J. Gravesen and C. Henriksen:
The Geometry of the Scroll Compressor.
SIAM Review., vol. 43, issue 1, pp 113-126, 2001.